Kart Trax Now Open!!!
Every boys' dream has arrived in East Bremerton! Little girls will even like this place!
Go-karts that go up to 24 miles an hour, a race track, a bounce house, and video ga
mes are all part of this awesome new franchise. The cars aren't cheap, but they are fun....

You buy a membership card (current price is $5 per card), then put money on the card and use it like a debit card. Makes it easy to control the spending of the kids and daddies!
This place is perfect for teens and tweens on a school day afternoon or a weekend evening. Du
ring the day, bring the smaller kids for some fun. The bounce house has room for up to six children at a time. Children have to be 42 inches tall to drive a race car of their own, but children under 42 inches can ride with a responsible guardian driving.

Be warned -- Kart Trax had not had their grand opening as of six days ago, and the facility still needed some fine tuning as well as final construction. However, the race course was not crowded, and the staff was friendly. We're anxious to see it when it's totally finished!

My family had a great time at Kart Trax. My husband took my three year old at two in the afternoon and they had the place to themselves. Hubby drove son around the race track several times, and let him go jump in the bounce house several times. They even played air hockey! I see Kart Trax becoming a regular hang out for them.
Be sure to check back often for more KitsapWithKids postings. Even though this is supposed to be the Kitsap Real Estate blogsite, I want to give as much to my friends, clients and community as I possibly can. Make sure you check out the Kitsap Moms Meetup link over to the right....
If it wasn't for your blog I would have had no idea what to do thanks to the staff.. I was not greeted after walking in or standing in front of the counter with 2 children ages 9 and friend age 10 (neither was anyone else that entered for the next hour). For two girls to spend 4-5 minutes on the track for 3 laps it ran a total of $43.44. And in order for the girls to play games and bounce house I put $5 each on their cards. So the bounce house rules are: $2.00 for 4 minutes per child! Also the attendant for the karts was less than helpful. Nothing was explained to any of the drivers (actually nothing was said at all!!). I could say more but the facts speak for themselves.
I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Perhaps the difference between your time at Kart Trax and ours was the time of day and week that we each went? We went when it was not crowded at all, and I think the manager was on hand at the time. I certainly hope that you complained to the management, they need to know so Kart Trax will hopefully improve!
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